Satellite Leasing: Making Space Easy and Affordable.

Space is a race. Get into orbit faster, so you are generating revenues sooner. This way, you can dominate your niche now, and for the long run. Our unique Leasing model makes this possible. Only Lease what you need, with pricing starting at $2,500 a month, with a 20% deposit.

Space Used To Be Expensive. We're Changing That.

Historically, you had to hire a team, and then build, launch and operate your own satellite. This multi-year timeline started with you raising significant funds. We are changing all of this by replacing your Capex with satellite Leasing.

Remove Your Capex. Only Invest In Your Core Mission. 

Satellites enable your technology to generate revenues. But satellites are not your core business - your technology and services are. Traditionally, your capital and resources were diverted to building and running satellites. Our Leasing model changes this. We take the entire satellite and mission operations workload off your hands. So you have more funds to grow your core business, faster.

Lease The Exact Capacity You Need.

Our Leasing model means you only pay for what you need. You can lease a fraction of a satellite, or a full satellite, or a constellation of 100+ satellites. With flexible Leasing you also have near-instant ability to grow your capacity as your business grows.

Leases Come With The Full Suite Of Mission Services.

Included in your Lease is the team of specialists that will plan, integrate, launch, operate and maintain the satellites and the whole constellation. This is all about freeing up your capital and headcount, so you can focus on growing and expanding your core revenue-generating activities.

Start Generating Your Revenues Faster.

The whole process of building and launching a satellite used to take years. Now you can be in orbit within 12 months, for a fraction of the cost. This gets you faster access to the data that will drive your revenues. And it allows you to rapidly expand, at short notice, when the time is right for your business. 

And You Can Grow A Lot Faster Too.

By freeing up huge amounts of capital, you can focus all of your funds on your core mission. As you grow, you can expand your orbital capacity without further capital expenditure. This way, you can grow faster and dominate your market ahead of your competitors.

Historically. Space Was Expensive.

Today. We're Making It Affordable.

Book Now For Q4 2023, And Beyond.